- 406 Revenue Rd Bridgeport, WV 26330
Asphalt is a resilient and beautiful material that can last many decades with proper care and attention. Even with regular maintenance, there’s one common issue that you’ll need to address at some point: Cracks. Crack formation can happen for various reasons, marring your otherwise smooth paved surfaces and creating potential safety hazards. Fortunately, professional asphalt crack repair can mend gaps and voids, prolonging the life of your pavement. Here’s what you need to know.
There are several reasons why you need crack repair service. Like any other form of asphalt repair, addressing cracks and voids is vital to maintaining your pavement’s overall aesthetics and safety. No one wants to drive onto crack-riddled parking lots, and even minor gaps in a residential driveway can cause people to trip and suffer injuries. Correcting gaps with asphalt crackfilling can restore your pavement, making it safer and better-looking.
However, that’s not all. Asphalt repair can also prevent future damage. Cracks can widen and spread, eventually turning into more extensive forms of damage like potholes. Furthermore, neglecting to invest in asphalt crack sealing could invite water to penetrate the surface, ruining the pavement’s foundation and creating structural integrity problems.
Crack filler and sealer products make a difference in the hands of skilled contractors. These professionals can apply their expertise to restore your paved surfaces, mitigate future headaches and prolong the life of your investment.
The severity of cracks can vary wildly, affecting how often you need repairs with asphalt crack filler and how quickly you should contact repair professionals.
Generally, shallow, non-working cracks don’t require immediate attention. Non-working or “inactive” cracks either don’t expand at all or do so at a very slow rate. Therefore, you have time to address them before they become problematic. Contractors can mend minor inactive cracks with asphalt crack filler annually.
Working cracks are a different story. These voids expand quickly, so contractors prefer to mend them with asphalt crack sealer as soon as possible. Ignoring working cracks can cause them to get deeper, wider and more dangerous, all while increasing the risk of foundational damage.
The same applies to more severe forms of crack damage, such as potholes and alligator cracking. Getting professional asphalt repair as soon as possible is vital to avoid spreading and extensive destruction.
Walking through a local big-box store, you might find many DIY asphalt crackfilling products. While you may feel tempted to get those cheap asphalt crack sealers and DIY-friendly crack fillers, resist the urge! The truth is that DIY products and techniques don’t last. It takes years of experience, premium asphalt crack sealing and filling compounds, specialty equipment and tons of know-how to get lasting results.
While you may save money upfront, the results you experience are temporary at best. Those asphalt crackfilling materials will do more harm than good in the worst-case scenario. Invest in your property and pavement and hire a Bridgeport asphalt crack repair professional.
There are many ways to approach Bridgeport asphalt crack repair. Contractors will begin by assessing the damage to determine if the issue needs crack filler or sealer.
Asphalt crack filler is the ideal choice for inactive cracks that expand slowly or not at all. The primary goal of asphalt crackfilling is to prevent water penetration. There are many filling compounds, including hot- and cold-applied options. Contractors choose the right material for your needs, clean the gaps to remove debris and pack the crack filler into the void before allowing it to cure.
Asphalt crack sealing is for working cracks that expand. The products professionals use have special polymers that give them rubber-like properties after curing. As a result, they flex with the pavement to prevent the crack from worsening.
Erskine Paving is an asphalt crack repair company committed to you and your needs. We continually invest in industry training, ensuring we use the latest techniques, technologies and products to deliver great results. Our team uses high-quality asphalt crack sealer and filler products that last, and we approach every job with a personalized approach to develop solutions that work. We’re West Virginia’s go-to asphalt paving contractors, providing various services to help you get, repair and maintain beautiful pavement. You can trust us for new paving, resurfacing, sealcoating, gravel hauling, snow plowing, dirt work and more.
Get your free estimate today by calling Erskine Paving at (304)222-9272. You can also reach us via our online contact form or by emailing Erskinesealcoating@gmail.com.