- 406 Revenue Rd Bridgeport, WV 26330
You don’t have to settle for a West Virginia asphalt driveway that looks worse for wear. Asphalt paving is a fantastic investment that can elevate your property’s curb appeal. Unfortunately, age and wear exposure can take a toll, turning a once-gorgeous driveway into a mess of cracks, discoloration and potholes. Fortunately, reviving your blacktop driveway is easier than you think!
Investing in repairs is one of the most impactful ways to revive an old and damaged residential driveway. Contractors can do a lot to mend asphalt driveway defects. Crack filling and sealing is an easy and cost-effective way to take care of voids that develop on your blacktop driveway. In addition to creating a much smoother surface for driving, crack repairs will mitigate future damage by preventing water penetration.
Contractors can perform patches if you’re dealing with problems like potholes, raveling and alligator cracking. Full-depth patches are great for addressing deep-rooted issues. Meanwhile, partial-depth patching can correct surface defects. Whatever the case, repairs make a big difference in both aesthetics and longevity. Asphalt driveway costs are a huge investment, and investing in repairs is a great way of ensuring your pavement lasts as long as possible.
After you hire contractors to repair any defects on your driveway paving, consider sealcoating. Sealcoating is an important maintenance task that you should do every three to five years. Your asphalt driveway is susceptible to premature deterioration due to weather exposure, leaking vehicle fluids and other damaging factors. Without sealcoating, residential driveways can become brittle, discolored and more prone to cracking.
Sealcoating is an incredible way to revive residential paving. The asphalt emulsion sealers contractors use are deep black, making discolored asphalt paving look brand-new. Plus, you have the added benefit of much-needed protection against future damage.
If you invest in sealcoating, make sure to get repairs first. Sealcoating isn’t a fix-all solution to cracks and potholes. For the best results, cover blacktop driveway costs related to repairs before you hire contractors for sealing.
In some cases, damage is too far gone for standard repairs. That’s a natural part of the lifespan of asphalt paving. After your blacktop driveway reaches the point of no return, consider resurfacing.
Resurfacing is a unique repair service that involves removing the upper layers of asphalt paving before replacing it with new material. It’s a more extensive form of repair that can transform your asphalt driveway. However, it doesn’t come with the higher asphalt driveway costs associated with reconstruction.
After pulverizing your driveway paving to a specific depth, contractors apply a primer before applying the new overlay. In addition to having lower blacktop driveway cost than reconstruction, resurfacing takes less time.
Typically, contractors recommend resurfacing after your pavement reaches 15 to 20 years of age. At that point, the asphalt driveway costs of frequent repairs outweigh the expense of resurfacing, making it worth considering.
You don’t have to settle for unsightly and potentially dangerous driveway paving. At Erskine Paving, we have what it takes to restore your residential pavement to its former glory! We offer various services to meet your needs, including new paving, resurfacing, sealcoating, repairs, sweeping, gravel hauling, dirt work and more. Our team works hard to exceed your expectations. We aim to provide full transparency, helping you understand blacktop driveway costs while keeping you updated on project progress.
Call Erskine Paving today at (304)222-9272, email Erskinesealcoating@gmail.com or submit your information through our online contact form to reach out, learn more and get a free quote.