- 406 Revenue Rd Bridgeport, WV 26330
Sealcoating in West Virginia is a crucial maintenance service that makes a big difference throughout the life of your pavement. Properly applied and cured asphalt sealer shields your paved surface from the effects of rain, shine, snow, chemicals, regular wear and more. Sealers can prevent oxidation, avoid premature deterioration and help mitigate damage. Driveway sealing costs are a small price to pay for the benefits they provide. The best time for sealcoating in Bridgeport WV is during the spring and summer, but is it possible to get this service during the winter?
Getting asphalt sealcoating during the winter is possible, but it’s not ideal. Before we get into why, let’s explore why asphalt sealcoating companies prefer sealing paved surfaces during the spring and summer.Asphalt sealcoating is a simple process, but it requires ample planning, proper surface preparation and plenty of time to cure. The curing process, in particular, is important. Asphalt sealers contain water, asphalt and an emulsifying agent. Once applied to clean and dry pavement, the water in the asphalt sealer formula must evaporate to ensure the other elements form a tight bond with the paved surface.Evaporation is a slow and steady process that takes at least 24 hours. Sun exposure, wind and warmth help to facilitate evaporation. Therefore, the warm conditions of spring and summer are perfect! During those hotter months, there are fewer hurdles to overcome, ensuring you get great results for the driveway sealing costs you pay.Experienced asphalt sealcoating companies are always mindful of the weather forecast on application day and throughout the curing period, even in spring and summer. They avoid providing this service on wet and rainy days to prevent complications and ensure success.
Now that you understand how sealcoating works, consider the many challenges during the winter. West Virginia receives many inches of snow during the cold season, and temperatures regularly dip below freezing.Even a skilled asphalt sealcoating company can’t provide this service during the worst of winter. Asphalt sealer will not cure if there’s ice or snow on the pavement. Furthermore, snowfall or any other form of precipitation will interfere with the curing process. Melted ice will ruin the finish, resulting in zero protection, peeling and a huge mess.
Sealcoating isn’t possible when there’s ice or snow present. However, a good asphalt sealcoating company can still provide this service when conditions are right. Every property is different, and asphalt sealer formulas vary.However, most products require ground and air temperatures to be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit to cure. That means sealcoating companies can protect paved surfaces during the early winter before temperatures plummet and snowfall begins.Sealcoating professionals will also consider other factors, such as humidity, wind and sun exposure. Most products perform best when humidity levels are less than 50 to 60 percent. Efficient curing also happens when a gentle breeze keeps air moving above the asphalt sealer.Sun exposure is one of the more challenging factors to overcome. Sealcoating cures best when surfaces have several hours of direct sunlight. Of course, some pavement is under the shade of trees and buildings. Sealers will still cure if shade or overcast weather blocks the sun, but it may take longer.
If you need to seal your pavement in the winter, you must turn to an experienced asphalt sealcoating company like Erskine Paving. Reputable contractors will never attempt to provide this service when conditions aren’t right. Doing so will lead to disastrous results and your driveway sealing costs going down the drain.During the winter, asphalt sealcoating companies pay close attention to the forecast, choosing a a block of days with conditions that can support the curing process. Many also adapt their approach to overcome a lower sun position, fewer daylight hours, and other challenges. Most will apply the sealer earlier to give it as much time in the sun as possible. Experts will also monitor the sealer as it cures, ensuring it forms the ultra-tight bond you need.Let Erskine Paving handle all your asphalt sealcoating needs. We have many years of experience performing sealcoating in Bridgeport WV. Our team uses the blackest sealers on the market to give you a sleek look with optimal year-long protection. We understand the logistics of sealcoating in West Virginia and take every precaution to ensure success.In addition to sealcoating, Erskine Paving offers many services to meet all your asphalt paving needs. These include new paving, resurfacing, repairs, crack repair, gravel hauling, snow plowing, dirt work, parking lot drainage and more.Reach out to the Erskine Paving team today to learn more and get a free estimate for your project. You can call (304)222-9272, email Erskinesealcoating@gmail.com or submit your information through our online contact form to get in touch.